September 4, 2019


MAAN’s Vision:

The MAAN aspires to create a culture of advising excellence at Mason that encourages development and collaboration amongst all of its advisors.

MAAN’s Mission:

The overall mission of the MAAN is to improve students’ academic advising experience by providing Mason undergraduate advisors with:

  • Campus wide advising resources
  • Opportunities for cross-communication and collaboration
  • Opportunities for development

By joining MAAN, you agree to be “in the advising loop.”  You will receive an invitation to join our listserv where you will gain access to undergraduate advising information, learn about advising events on campus, and chat with other advisors.

If you have questions related to your membership status, please contact the membership manager, Mary Slone O’Neill.

All other questions related to MAAN, please contact the current MAAN Co-chairs.

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.

Babe Ruth

    Your First Name (required)

    Your Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Department (required)

    How long have you been at Mason? (required)

    How long have you been an academic advisor? (required)

    I am a: (required)

    I am a:

    Highest level of education:

    I am joining the MAAN because:(multiple options may be chosen by using your shift key)

    If "other" please explain:

    I am interested in being considered to serve on MAAN teams and/or the Steering Committee if needed: